Walk-in Wait Times

ATTN: All patients seeing a physician on a walk-in basis

Alberta is currently facing a care deficit; this is due, but not limited to, the following factors:

  • lack of available physicians

  • physicians experiencing burnout and reducing their clinical hours/services

  • other walk-in clinics closing their doors

  • physicians closing their practices and/or moving out of the province

Our clinic has been greatly affected by the current care deficit, specifically our walk-in wait times. In our community alone there have been a number of clinics who have stopped accepting walk-in patients, with many of the clinics in the area advising their patients to see a physician through our clinic when they do not have an available physician.

Since the beginning of the pandemic our wait times for walk-in visits has been gradually increasing. At present, the typical wait time for a walk-in visit at our clinic is between 1-3 hours. There is nothing that our clinic staff or physicians can do to reduce the wait time for walk-in visits. Depending on the volume of patients that are seeking care through our walk-in clinic we may close the walk-in patient list a few hours before the clinic closes to ensure we can provide the best care to all those who have already registered on the walk-in list.

Please know that we do care about your health and wellness and are trying our best to see you in a timely manner – we appreciate your understanding during this difficult time.


The staff and physicians of B24

Note: Our website is currently undergoing a renovation. If something seems off on one of our pages, odds are we are in the process of correcting it! Thank you for your understanding during this time!

Secure Online Booking Portal

Family patients of B24 can now access their physicians schedule and request appointments through our secure online booking portal. If you would like information on how to access our secure online booking portal, ask the front desk staff for a handout at your next office visit.

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions regarding online booking requests.

Who can access the portal?

The online booking portal is accessible by all patients, but only active patients with a family physician at B24 are able to request appointments through the online booking portal. If you do not have a family physician (ie: you are a walk-in patient"), and you request an appointment through the online booking portal, your request will be DENIED.

How do I know I am booking with the correct physician?

Online booking requests will only be accepted if you are requesting an appointment with your family physician. You will be able to select the physician you would like to book with through the online booking portal. If you request an appointment with a physician and they are not your family physician, your request will be DENIED. If you are not sure who your family physician is, check with the front desk staff.

Check-in Policy Changes

With many of the provincially mandated public health measures being lifted on March 1st 2022 the clinic has updated the process for checking in for booked appointments as well as walk-in visits. See the image below for the most recent policy changes.